Bioclimatic houses, references

sutentable architecture

Bioclimatic houses, references

The environment has always been closely linked to architecture, since it is a process that transforms reality that produces a strong impact on the environment.

Today’s architecture is increasingly aware of this and has been merging and integrating these two concepts of architecture and sustainability, thus giving rise to what we now know as sustainable architecture or bioclimatic architecture.

Bioclimatic architecture is an architecture adapted to the environment, trying to reduce pollution and the use of electrical energy, which also results in reduced environmental impact.

A bioclimatic house is a building or construction designed in such a way that its inhabitants can benefit from the natural advantages offered by their environment in terms of health, thermal comfort and energy savings.

Today we bring you the bioclimatic houses that best represent this type of architecture.


It is an individual wooden house in Mountain City, a project designed and executed in 2007 by the architecture studio in Barcelona: Fernández Architecture.
Thanks to the knowledge in sustainable and ecological constructions of this team of architects, they added to the project the installation of the roof of the completely vegetal house.
They managed to make this roof of the house a continuation of the mountain floor and replace the space occupied by the house with the same one that it originally had. In this way they respected the centennial tree that lived there and its original environment. It is the first house built entirely of wood with a sustainable green roof.

A construction with which it was possible to take advantage of the sun’s heat in winter efficiently and the use of the thermal inertia of the interior of the house to prolong a stable temperature in the house and reduce consumption. In addition, a “heat exchanger, EAHE or WAHE” system was installed, so that the use of external energy to the house for its thermal comfort was reduced to almost.
The design also took advantage of the orientation and the prevailing mountain winds to cool the house in summer through cross ventilation.
This project has a rainwater recycling system using a rainwater harvesting for use in toilets and irrigation, and gray water recycling for garden irrigation.
The Fernández Architecture team of architects also managed to maximize the use of natural and local materials such as wood, to minimize the ecological footprint.
Due to budget demands, it could not be complemented with the implementation of a system of solar panels and batteries to be able to be a 100% autonomous and self-sustainable home.

Academic essay the project of the students of the ETSAV

We must highlight that the Fernández Architecture team is formed at this University, this trial is the fruit of many years of research during which Fernández Architecture was also part.

The RESS project was designed by 50 students from the Vallés School of Architecture (ETSAV-UPC) for the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 international collegiate competition that took place in the summer of 2014 in Versailles.

The starting point and end use of the project is a group house where people carry out daily activities. Consequently, there is a strengthening of social relations.

Experimentation and use of the self-sufficient building encouraged small energy renovations of the neighborhood’s private homes, initiating a process of urban renewal.

An unconventional way for the revitalization of urban fabrics looking for a more sustainable way of living through collectivization.

The building is designed with a 2m module, creating a 3D grid throughout the building. RESS is highly efficient in terms of energy efficiency. It is almost self-sufficient due to passive bioclimatic strategies, solar panels and high insulation. We want to offer a free shelter space with climatic comfort to the disadvantaged neighbors and families of the district.

Bioclimatic house in Sotavento (Lugo)

It is a demonstration house that is conceived as a center for research, demonstration and environmental education on bioclimatic architecture and renewable energy. It is an initiative of the Sotavento Galicia Foundation located in the Sotavento Experimental Wind Farm.
In the design, location and adaptation to the terrain, climatological factors have been taken into account: solar radiation, exposure to prevailing winds, ambient temperatures, rainfall, etc. and others such as the geomorphology of the terrain, life cycle of the materials, adjacent buildings and proximity to supply points.

However, the fundamental criteria on which the design is based are: sustainability, saving and energy efficiency. To achieve this goal, the following passive measures have been implemented in housing, a key element in bioclimatic architecture.

Passive strategies are palliative measures to improve the quality of the interior environment without these supplying additional energy consumption, fundamentally using measures inspired by indigenous architectures, simple to apply and that have been working since ancient times.

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