The centenary of Leonardo Ricci

The centenary of Leonardo Ricci

The exposition about this Florentine architect was opened on 12th April to 26th May. It was called as “Leonardo Ricci 100. Writing, painting and architecture: 100 side notes on the Anonymous (20th Century). Florence has been the city where the figure of this man has stood out in the Italian architectural scene.

The exposition has been in the refectory of Santa María Novella, a 14th century building. It was designed in such a way as to travel a path that mixed with the art and textures of all the disciplines practiced by the artist. It is based on a book “Anonymous” where Ricci wrote about his activity relates to urban planning and architecture.

60 original pieces has been presented between period photograph, paintings, shatter of composition of mosaic and more formats. Sound recording documents and video such as summary of magazines in which you can observe all his research, production and artistic activities.

His research was opened to everybody and based to achieve well-being of people. His work is focused on university education; being innovative and passionate. Leonardo Ricci took as a reference the teachings of Giovanni Michelucci, one of the most famous Florentine architects of the 20th century, and mixed them with the foundations of classical abstractionism.

His manifesto work, the Ricii studio house from 1949 to 1961 in Monterinaldi, had a large space developed for that and where you can see the main reasons which motivated the architectural research. As the best architects in Miami share Leonardo Ricci his phrase: “Built a building means making people live one way instead of another”. In each project, we want people live as they want to do in their own home.

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