The Sustainable architecture

The Sustainable architecture

For some years now, sustainable architecture is in full swing. The concern for caring for the environment is increasingly established in society. That is why the future of architecture is aimed at building homes and buildings, minimizing the ecological impact, making the best possible return to resources. An example of the growing importance of sustainability in the architecture sector is that more and more buildings have the recognition of being sustainable. The interest of sustainable architecture focuses on two large areas. One of them is the reduction of pollution in all phases of construction and the other is the reduction of environmental impact. But what are the principles of sustainable architecture? And on the other hand, what are the main advantages of this type of architecture?
To learn more about the bases of sustainable architecture, let's continue.There are several points that are the pillars of sustainable architecture:
• The use of materials requires a thorough preliminary study, since many of the materials that are commonly used in construction are toxic due to the large amount of solvents, dusts and harmful agents they possess. The environmental architecture strives to use recycled materials, greatly reducing the consumption of raw materials and of course, reducing the amount of waste
• It is necessary to plan the work taking into account the local climate. Aspects such as the use of natural light depending on the latitude of the land, or natural ventilation are essential to optimize the resources that will finally be consumed once the building is operational.
• Minimization of global energy consumption of construction during all its development phases.
• A saving in water consumption must be provided through systems that take advantage of rain to obtain water intended for sanitary use, irrigation or drinking water consumption.
• Having an insulation system that contributes to energy savings is essential. This will keep the internal spaces warm in winter and cool  in summer.
 The benefits of ecological architecture are innumerable, let's summarize. 
Economic benefits. Thanks to the management strategy proposed by architects who are committed to sustainable architecture, it allows to reduce electrical, mechanical and structural systems to a minimum, always looking to propose a more efficient integrated design, and therefore, low cost. Very opposite of what is thought, sustainable architecture is more economical.
Economic benefits. Thanks to the management strategy proposed by architects who are committed to sustainable architecture, it allows to reduce electrical, mechanical and structural systems to a minimum, always looking to propose a more efficient integrated design, and therefore, low cost. Very opposite of what is thought, sustainable architecture is more economical.
Health benefits: the reduction of pollutants around daily life is real, and therefore the improvement of the health of the inhabitants.
Do you want to know the most emblematic examples of sustainable architecture? Here are some:

Bishan Community Library (Singapore). It is located in one in the city of Bishan, Singapore. It has a very well studied orientation, in addition, it has numerous skylights, lattices and stained glass that allows you to make the most of sunlight by reducing the electrical energy used.

Bishan Community Library

Hotel Stadthalle Vienna. This hotel has become the first in the world with an energy consumption equivalent to 0. It is an accommodation in full harmony with nature. It produces the necessary energy by installing 130m2 of solar panels. All the bulbs used are LED type and have an air conditioning system that avoids wasting energy. The amenities are biodegradable and its ecological gastronomy. 

Hotel Stadthalle Vienna

Museum of Tomorrow . Inspired by the plant world, it is a self-sufficient and sustainable building. To reduce the temperature of the building, the structure uses water from several nearby pools.

Museum of Tomorrow Rio Janeiro

The  New Logic III building in the Netherlands. They call it "The tube." It is currently considered the most sustainable building in the world. This kind of oval steel, aluminum and glass tube located on the side of the highway of the Dutch city of Tilburg, about 105 kilometers from Amsterdam. Developer Dokvast commissioned Habeon Architecten to design a ‘green’ construction for Rhenus Logistics, a German logistics company.Today, its sustainable winery is a reality, with more than 13,000 solar panels and an integral system that is not only capable of producing enough energy to cover its own consumption, but also feeds the country's power lines, generating energy for approximately 750 homes year.

The  New Logic III building 

In Fernandez Architecture, we are Miami residential architects aware of the respect for the environment and we design buildings and houses according to this philosophy .

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