Environmental Design

We focus on many aspects and work with consultants for Building Physics, Architectural Lighting, Energetic Study, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Vertical Transportation, Fire Protection, Public Health and Sustainability

Building Physics

Study of the shape and design of the building skin to optimize its performance, looking for the balance between design and sustainability.

Lighting and Solar Design

Taking advantage of the use of controlled daylight and control the use of artificial lighting in an appropriate way.

Energy Study

Feasibility of renewable technologies and selection of HVAC systems reducing energy to the strictly necessary.

Mechanical Engineering

Applying systems which respond to the context and needs of users while also using passive techniques to reduce energy consumption.

Electrical Engineering and Vertical Transportation

Lighting solutions, designing of high, medium and low voltage distribution networks, and vertical transportation design, under sustainability criteria.

Fire Protection

Applying active fire suppression systems to implement solutions that respond to local and international codes.

Public Health

Minimize water supply by integrating Water Saving and Treatment Systems -WSTS- such as water recycling, rainwater harvesting – “Aljibe” – or the use of precise volume according to purpose by applying low-flow design strategies.

Sustainability Assessment

In addition to developing customized Bioclimatic and Ecological Systems for individual Projects -SPEB-, our team applies tools to gauge and measure the sustainability of a project according to the LEED standards.